The St. Kilda and Western Islands Cruise 29 July - 8 August 2025 (Deposit)
The St. Kilda and Western Islands Cruise 29 July - 8 August 2025 (Deposit)
Reserve a Berth, fully refundable for up to 30 days if you choose to cancel because the boss says no to your holiday request (or any other reason at all really!). Remember if we have to cancel the trip for any reason your money is protected and can be refunded immediately, a policy we are proud of since the first mile we put under our keel.
You are paying a deposit for a berth on the St. Kilda and Western Islands cruise selected on this screen. This fee is refundable up to 30 days from the date of purchase. View the event details page here. Once your reservation is accepted you will have the choice to pay the remainder of the balance by direct debit or two further payments. Details of these options and the trip will be sent after the 30 day deposit refund period has passed.