The T to G of our Sustainability Goals.

Here at Ocean Sailing Scotland we take pride is making sure our impact to the environment we love to explore in our yacht Taeping is impacted as little as possible, and hopefully improved by our activities.

T - Is for “Taking our Time” when doing our planning to ensure as little waste as possible in everything we use from food, to fuel.

A - Is for “Accepting Responsibility” to leave any place we visit in better or the same condition as when we arrived “Leaving Only Footprints”

E - Is for “Environmental Awareness” of the places we love, from marine life to mountains, sea birds to sandy beaches

P - Is for “Preparing to Protect” our environment by making sure the products we use and processes we follow are positive for the environment

I - Is for “Including every aspect” of your time with us from waste to washing up liquid in our environmental and sustainability planning

N- Is for “Net Positive” which is what we aim to be in terms of our impact to the environment

G - Is for “Giving It Our All” making every little action count towards sustainability and environmental protection

The T to G of our Environmental (Green) Action Plan

T -

A -

E -

P -

I -

N -

G -